Take a moment and consider all the cherished memories you have. The boxes of photos and slides, reels of home movies, video home movies, treasured family documents and other things that tell the story of your family’s life. Many of the methods that we used in the past for storing life memories fade and disintegrate rapidly in normal storage conditions. How can we hold on to our family and life histories for future generations?
Digital Archiving

Our digital technicians and artists can work with you to produce digital files of your most valued memories. We can help you create a library of the important memories of your family, business or organization that can be stored on your computers, CDs, DVDs and shared with family and friends. We urge you to bring in or ship your stockpile of precious family or organization memories before the pictures fade, the film deteriorates or the magnetic media degrades. With each passing month it becomes more and more difficult to find the necessary equipment with which to view and preserve these rare and irreplaceable memories. Explore some of the options below to see what is possible and then call us at 812-333-1212, Monday – Friday between 9 am and 6 pm EST.